Sunday, December 13, 2015


What is a cityscape?

A land-scape shows land and trees, so a city-scape shows a city.

When we draw/paint/sculpt/photograph a city, we are creating a CITYSCAPE.

Humans have been making cityscapes for a very long time. Before the camera was invented, it was the only way to show what a city looked like!

Here are some examples of cityscapes by different artists.
Apartment Houses, Paris by Jean Dubuffet

Gardanne by Paul Cezanne
St. Paul's, Manhattan by John Marin
After Sir Christopher Wren by Charles Demuth

I was inspired by artist James Gulliver Hancock. He is trying to draw all the buildings in New York City. Here is his blog. We have many beautiful buildings and monuments in St. Louis which I have printed pictures of if you'd like to draw them!

This lesson we will be concentrating on one artwork and artist. Let's look!

View of Paris, small business by Jean Dubuffet

We looked at an artwork earlier (look at the top!) by this artist, but this one looks a lot different. Do you think his feelings for his city changed?

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