Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What is a graphic designer?

A graphic designer is an artist who uses words and pictures to convey a message. You can find graphic design everywhere, even in this room.

Examples of graphic design:
-label on a paint bottle
-book cover
-the "Google" logo
-the Mason Ridge logo
-food packaging

...the list goes on and on!

Graphic design surrounds us. It helps us everyday, though many adults don't even realize it! Can you think of some graphic design in this room?

You can grow up to be a graphic designer. How? 
Start by:
-taking as many art classes you can
-trying to learn about using computers (you do graphic design on computer programs)
-when you see something, ask WHY? (why is this bottle of women's vitamin's purple? why did they choose a font that looks like cursive for an invitation? etc) You need to think about the world and why people think like they think!

Here is a video about what graphic design is. 5th graders' bricks are examples of graphic design. You are trying to convey the message of who YOU are with words and pictures.


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