Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What is a contour line drawing?

Have you ever seen a coloring book? Then you have seen a CONTOUR LINE DRAWING!

A contour line drawing is basically an OUTLINE of something. It doesn't have many details, and it has NO SHADING.

There are different kinds of contour line drawings.

This one is a "basic" contour line drawing. I would like you to practice this today. It's hard to not shade, isn't it?

Here's a famous contour line drawing by Picasso of one of his friends. This man looks a little odd...can you tell me why? Picasso was a very good artist. Do you think he exaggerated parts of his friend on purpose?

This is a continuous line contour drawing. It's a basic contour line drawing, but the catch is is that you cannot lift you pen off the paper!

This is a blind contour drawing. This is one of my favorites because you never know what you will get! Basically, you look at the object or person but NOT at your paper and pen!

Today I would like you to draw a contour line drawing of yourself. Use a black Sharpie. YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES...work with them. Embrace your mistakes. They add character to your drawing!

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